Note: If you are from a country where a Stripe business account operates, you are required to connect only to Stripe. (See the list of countries where a business Stripe account is available.)
To get started, you can add your PayPal account email address in the setup wizard when you sign up as a seller.
If you skipped the setup wizard, you can enter your PayPal email address later in your Vendor Dashboard.
Navigate to the Vendor Dashboard → Settings → Payment.
There click Add Payment Method → Direct to PayPal.
Enter your PayPal email in the window that opens and click “Update Settings”.
After saving the email, you will see the message “Your information has been saved successfully”.
If you need to change your PayPal email, navigate to the Vendor Dashboard → Settings → Payment. Click on “Manage”.
Then, enter your new PayPal email in the window that opens and click “Update Settings”.