Funds Withdrawal Request (only for sellers using Pay Pal)

NOTE: PayPal is an exceptional measure activated on the platform at the request of merchants in countries where it is not possible to open a Stripe business account.
By default, our platform only works with payments via Stripe. Payments for merchants who have a Stripe business account receive all payouts automatically, while withdrawals and refunds for PayPal-connected stores must be managed manually by the store owners and administrator.

If your store uses PayPal, it works in the following way:
1 – All payments from your store are processed by the Stripe payment gateway and credited to the platform account.

2 – When you make a withdrawal request from your store balance, the platform transfers this amount to your specified PayPal account.

3The minimum withdrawal amount for PayPal is 30 euros if you sell small cheap goods, and 100 euros – if your store has an average pricing policy. If you trade in expensive goods, the minimum amount for withdrawal of funds is determined in such cases individually. A request for the withdrawal of funds via PayPal can be made 2 times a month maximum (that is biweekly) if you reach the minimum withdrawal amount.

4 – Paypal money transfer fees (if any) are covered by the recipient, i.e. the store owner.

Also, see: 

To make a withdrawal request, navigate to Vendor Dashboard → Withdraw

(To show you an example of a withdrawal request, we have disabled the Minimum Withdrawal Amount option.)

So, your store balance has reached the minimum withdrawal amount. Click the “Request Withdrawal” button.

A pop-up window will appear. The amount line will automatically show the full amount that is available on the balance of your store. You can change it manually and request a withdrawal not of the entire amount, but of a part.

Leave withdraw method without changes (Pay Pay). And click the “Submit Request” button.

After submitting a withdrawal request, you will see a Pending Request line in the Withdraw panel.

The site admin will receive a notification of your withdrawal request.

Depending on the workload of the site admins, it may take up to 24 hours for your request to be processed.

Once your withdrawal request has been approved by the administrator and the funds have been transferred to your PayPal account, you will see the payment details in the Withdraw panel. And your store balance will be automatically adjusted.

Note for stores connected to Stripe:

For stores connected to the Stripe payment gateway, “Last Payments” in the “Withdraw” panel will appear automatically after each purchase in your store. All payments will be automatically transferred directly to your Stripe account, so your balance in the “Withdraw” panel will always be 0.

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