Suppose you have the following order that you want to refund.
After selecting the order you will get the “Request Refund” option:
After clicking on the “Request Refund” button you will get the option to enter the amount you want to refund. Here for example the vendor has input 45 dollars.
After entering the amount, you need to click on the “Refund via Dokan Stripe Connect” button to move onward.
Next, you will get a pop-up alert mentioning the fact that you are refunding. Clicking on the ‘Ok‘ button will finish the refund process. Otherwise, you can select the ‘Cancel’ button to decline the process.
Upon clicking the ‘Ok‘ button you will get another success pop-up regarding the completion of the process:
Here is how you can see the refunded amount from the order:
Also, you can get the list view of the refunded order by going to the Vendor Dashboard → Orders.
With this feature, you can make both full and partial refunds.