When you register on the DIY Markt platform as a seller, during the registration process you must choose the subscription package that suits you.
All subscription packages on our website are free. They differ in the following criteria: you are a professional seller, an individual seller, or a designer who sells his own digital patterns/books.
Each package has its own requirements and limitations.
You will see all the detailed information on this page (seller policy) and on the registration page.
If you want to change the package, go to Vendor Dashboard → Subscription and click “Switch Plan” under the selected package. Additional documents may be requested from you when changing the package.
Note. Some packages have certain restrictions. If, for example, you switch your Professional Package to Designer Digital, all of your physical products (which require shipping) will be automatically set to Draft status. And you won’t be able to publish them until you switch to a package that allows you to publish such products online.
Each package has its own rules and/or restrictions.
More information about each of the packages can be found here: